Radio S 1

Radio S enjoys the best ratings among national stations, broadcasts mainly Serbian pop music and short news on every full hour. As a national broadcaster, Radio S is obliged to air news programs and it does so with a primary focus on entertainment and celebrity stories.
Zoran Andjelkovic Baki, a prominent official from the Socialist Party and Minister in Slobodan Milosevic's era, founded Radio S in 1996 through a company called Genes S. During the 90's Radio S shared a frequency with Radio Belgrade, avoiding public competition for the frequency and registration. Contracts for shared frequencies with RTS were widely practiced during the 90's.
The Socialist Party of Serbia owned Radio S until 2003 when a newly adopted law prohibited political parties to have media. So Ljubinka Andjelkovic, the 72-year-old mother of Zoran Andjelkovic Baki, bought Radio S. Later, during new spectrum allocations in 2006, Radio S finally acquired a national frequency. It was widely suspected at the time that Radio S received this frequency through political connections rather then based on fair procedures, including selection criteria such as quality of the program, financial transparency or the further development of radio-programming.
Audience Share
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
Media Companies / Groups
S Media Team
Ownership Structure
Ljubinka Andjelkovicis, mother of Zoran Andjelkovic, is the listed owner of S Media Team, who owns AS Media. AS Media is direct owner of Radio S.
Individual Owner
General Information
Founding Year
Zoran Andjelkovic Baki through Genes S LTD
Affiliated Interests Founder
Zoran Andjelkovic is member of Serbian Socialist Party and President of General Meeting of Shareholders at Serbian Railroads since 2008.
Sasa Vuletic
Predrag Andjelkovic
Affiliated Interests Editor-In-Chief
Son of Zoran Andjelkovic, Predrag became editor in 2018. instead of Milos Bajic.
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing Data
Market Share
Missing Data
Further Information
Meta Data
During 2006 Republic Radio-diffusion Agency (RRA) , today's Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM) conducted allocation of national frequencies. Six TV channels and five radio stations received frequencies and licences to broadcast on a national level. It was the first time since the breake-up of Yugoslavia that public competition was conducted for national frequencies, bringing some order to the chaos in the media landscape created during the 90's.
Financial Information available publicly, but not outlet specific.