Srpski telegraf

Srpski telegraf was founded in 2016. The tabloid is nationalist and pro-government in terms of its content. Among its founders and owners are former editors from the daily Kurir, Milan Ladjevic and Sasa Milovanovic. Despite its brief existence - the first issue came out in March 2016 - it became a champion in breaking ethical norms, according to the monitoring of the Serbian Press Council. The paper regularly attacks opposition politicians and critics of the government. According to Ipsos data, Srpski telegraf is 7th in Serbia by readership share.
Audience Share
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
paid content (30 RSD)
Media Companies / Groups
Medijska mreza
Ownership Structure
Srpski telegraf is published by Medijska mreza whose owners are Sasa Milovanovic, Milan Ladjevic, Ljubomir Dabovic and Lazar Simic.
Individual Owner
General Information
Founding Year
Milan Ladjevic,Ljubomir Dabovic,Lazar Simic
Affiliated Interests Founder
Ladjevic was editor-in-chief at the daily newspaper Kurir, where he was replaced in December 2015. In January 2016 he founded the company Medijska mreza, the publisher of Srpski Telegraf.
Lazar Simic is lawyer working in Belgrade.
Ljubomir Dabovic owns a company trading with wood and construction materials.
Ljubomir Dabovic
Affiliated Interests Ceo
Ljubomir Dabovic is a businessman not very well known to the Serbian public. Besides Srpski telegraf, he owns Angokomerc, a company that trades in wood and construction materials. In the records of the Serbian Business Registers Agency, there is no financial data for the company for 2015, while in 2014 it had no revenues. The bank accounts of Angokomerc are blocked for sums exceeding 4 million RSD.
Milan Ladjevic - Editor-in-Chief, Boris Vukovic - responsible editor
Affiliated Interests Editor-In-Chief
Milan Ladjevic was an editor at the daily Kurir in late 2015 when Kurir got into a conflict with the government. At the time, he was interrogated by the police, something that Kurir presented as an attack on its freedom of speech and pressure on the paper. A couple of weeks later, Ladjevic was replaced and finally left Kurir, creating Srpski telegraf.
Boris Vukovic was a journalist at the daily Blic. In 2015 he became the editor of the newly created Tanjug info portal, part owned by Sasa Mirkovic, a former member of the Serbian Progressive Party. This led to a public debate in the media, as the portal used the name of the state news agency Tanjug, which at the time was being privatized. In response, Mirkovic told media that he wanted to save the tradition of the brand. In the meantime, Mirkovic left the Serbian Progressive Party, while Tanjug info was shut down and Vukovic became an editor at Srpski telegraf.
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing Data
Market Share
Missing Data
Further Information
Meta Data
Although ownership data is available from other public sources there is doubt regarding the accuracy of that information. Two of the owners are former editors of the daily Kurir and they are known to the public, whereas the other two owners are not so well known.