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Global Media Registry (GMR) & BIRN SERBIA - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Global Media Registry

Milos Krdzic

Milos Krdzic
Ruzica i Milos Krdzic, Photo: Milena Andjela/Vecernje Novosti

Although in the media business for more than 20 years, it’s clear now that Krdzic's are playing for the Vucic's team.  The family caught attention of the public after privatization of Studio B in 2015.  Shortly after this media received third of the investment on the public tender for media projects organized by the City of Belgrade. Similar scenario happened during 2016, when newly found productions  made of Studio B's relatives and family members all linked to the Krdzic’s gathered around 0.33 Mio $ (36.5 Mio RSD) on the public tender for media projects.

City of Belgrade granted 60% (248.058$) of the total amount to Studio B, Radio Hit FM and Radio Karolina's projects in 2015. Support worthy 0.02 Mio $ (2.5 Mio RSD) came from Ministry of Information for Radio Jat, Radio TDI, and national HIT FM's projects. After the support of public funds came in editorial policy changed as well transforming Studio B from city’s information service to herald of Belgrade Waterfront.

It seems like Krdzic couple couldn’t gain such a support during 2006 when allocation of national frequencies was conducted. TDI is still regional radio although Milos Krdzic offered to invest 400.000 EUR in the program back in 2006. in return of national coverage. Krdzic would have to wait for national coverage until 2015 when HIT FM started broadcasting on Roadstar Radio's frequency.

Bomb explosion in front of the TDI Radio was alarming news during 2008. On the press conference for that occasion Ruzica Krdzic said that one pirate radio station had been threatening Radio TDI for two years, she mentioned Uros Ignjacevic as owner of this radio as well as news portal, supposedly finance by public enterprise Telekom Serbia. Ruzica Krdzic mentioned how the court sentenced this radio for illegal broadcasting*.

Now Krdzic's have some legal issues of their own - a building under construction in Belgrad's high-class neighborhood Dedinje having failed to obtain a license, the couple continued with the construction advertising luxurious apartments for sale. They might not need a license after all, if the new legislation on legalization is adopted by the parliament in time for the construction to be considered legal.

* Uros Ignjacevic contacted Mom Team in June 2018 explaining Krdzic misinformed the public on the press conference. The Court of First Instance in Belgrade found Ruzica Krdzic guilty of slender. Radio TRI is not a pirate radio station involved in the bomb explosion.

Ignjacevic enclosed the licence Radio TRI obtained by Serbian Regulatory Authority of Electronic Media as well as the court verdict finding Krdzic guilty of slender. Ignjacevic and his business associates sued Krdzic during 2008, The Court of First Instance in Belgrade found Ruzica Krdzic guilty of misinforming the public during the press conference and harming the reputation and honour of Uros Ignjacevic, Milorad Ignjacevic, Uros’s father and co-owner of Trident Media Group and Igor Mihaic, director of Radio TRI, under TRI Media Group. 

Telekom Serbia was Trident Media Group’s client at the time, for which they created and maintained news portal 

Ignjacevic explained to BIRN how this event still remains unresolved as to the motives of the Kridzics linking the Radio TRI  to the bomb exploding in front of Krdzic’s office. The two have never met, according to Ignjacevic. When asked about the fine for illegal broadcasting, Ignjacevic said that the radio never payed fines because they never broadcasted illegally, i.e. possessed all the licences. 

BIRN didn’t manage to contact Ruzica Krdzic for comment.

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    Global Media Registry
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