Predrag Rankovic

Rankovic is widely known to the public by the name Peconi. According to information in the White Book produced by the Serbian police in 2001, Peconi was close to the Surčinski criminal clan. He was arrested in 2003 during police action Sablja, which was carried out following the murder of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic. He also had a court process for tax evasion brought against him but this lapsed due to the statute of limitations. In 2010, his bodyguards clashed with the bodyguards of Ljubisa Buha Cume, the former leader of the Surcinski criminal clan. In 2017 Peconi was shot in a Belgrade hotel but survived. Rankovic is the owner of Fantasy sweets company and is connected to INVEJ company which belongs to his brother in law, Srdjan Sredojevic. Invej group consists of numerous privatized companies. Furthermore, almost all Invej related companies are registered at the same address - Aleksandra Dubceka 14 - as Happy TV. In 2007, when Ideogram asked for permission to buy a part of Kosava, their business plan was based on financial contracts with INVEJ and companies from that group. They also said that Predrag Rankovic would be President of the Board of Directors of Ideogram.
Foregin and domestic trade
Invej (100)
Fantasy sweet (100)
Further Information
Meta Data
Even though media report about his businesses, Peconi avoids the public eye and there is almost no information about his private life.